Doctors looking at an xray film with the patient and nurse

Types of Orthopedic Surgeries You Need to Know

There are different types of orthopedic surgeries. These procedures range from joint replacements to soft tissue repair. They also include the internal fixation of bones. In this article, we will discuss these different type of orthopedic surgeries and how they benefit patients. Hopefully, you will be better informed on what you can expect before your surgery.

Joint Replacement Procedures

This procedure replaces damaged or deteriorated joints with prosthetic parts. These devices are often made of ceramic, plastic, or metal, and they mimic the shape and function of a natural joint. For example, in an arthritic hip replacement, a metal ball is attached to a metal stem, which is fitted into the femur. A plastic socket is then implanted into the pelvis.

While joint replacement surgery is very effective at relieving pain, there are certain risks associated with the procedure. For example, blood clots can develop if the joint is damaged beyond repair. Fortunately, blood-thinning medications and compression stockings can help reduce this risk. Another risk is the possibility of stiffness, which can be reduced with physical therapy.

Soft Tissue Repair

Before you have soft tissue repair surgery, you should be aware of the risks and benefits of this procedure. When a patient is injured, the muscles and tendons are often weakened, and scar forms quickly. This scar tissue adheres to anything nearby and can even fuse with healthy tissue.

Soft tissue repair is done on damaged tissue, often to remove a mass or tumor. The surgeon will use x-rays and MRIs to determine the extent of the damage. Depending on the extent of the damage, it may be necessary to undergo several follow-up visits and radiographs after surgery. If the mass is cancerous, the surgeon may also recommend that the patient visit a veterinary oncologist so that they can monitor the condition.

Internal Fixation of Bones

Internal fixation of bones is a common procedure that helps to restore the proper alignment of broken bones. It involves inserting long metal pins into holes in the bones to hold them in place. These pins are connected to a stabilizing device outside the body. Then, bandages are placed around the pins.

The process of internal fixation can involve different kinds of implants. The fixators are often made of metal or stainless steel and can hold broken bones together while they heal. They are removed once the bone has healed or a certain period has passed. However, in some cases, the wires are left in place permanently.

ORIF surgery is usually done to repair severely broken bones. The surgery can take hours, depending on the type of fracture and its location. Before the surgery, the patient will be put under general anesthesia to ensure they will not feel pain. In addition, the anesthesiologist will place the patient on a breathing tube to prevent any problems during surgery.